Friday 9 December 2016

Location Research

1897 - Liverpool Industrial Area
This area suits the 1800s section of our music video as it looks very old due to the old brick industrial buildings.
We found a street right next to this area which is perfect for this section of the music video. Saltney Street.
1937 - Oliver's House
For this section of the music video we could film inside Ollie's house. This location would be ideal due to the older looking wallpaper.

1957 - Port Sunlight Train Station
The train station in Port Sunlight looks old but not too old. This is why it would be perfect for the 50s section of our music video.
The only issue with this location is the presence of cars. Cars in the 1950s looked very different to cars in the modern day, so we will have to make sure we keep them out of the shot.

1977 - Sedgefield Road
Sedgefield Road will work well for the 70s section of our music video since we have associated this period with the "skinhead" look. The council housing and storage sheds link nicely to this.

2017 - Liverpool Echo Arena
As the Echo Arena and the big wheel are very modern with lots of lights, this area would suit the modern day section of our music video. This area looks especially good at night.

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