Wednesday 28 December 2016

Filming Day 4 - Liverpool (Victorian)

We met at Moorfields train station at 9:00am, then made our way to Saltney Street to film the Victorian section of the music video. As this is the start of the video, we needed a narrative section before the music begins. This didn't take too long as we didn't need to worry about lip syncing. However, the rest of this section took a very long time as we needed to keep stopping due to cars coming up and down the road, and it was difficult to get the lip syncing right because Ryan also needed to focus on spinning the cane.
When we began filming the musical part we realised we couldn't use the entire wall due to graffiti and electrical posts that made it clear that it was the modern day. We resolved this issue by using the same part of the wall over and over again and cutting to a different shot whenever we reached the end.
This is the latest edited version including the updated 30s section as well as the Victorian section.
1890s begins at 0:00
1930s begins at 1:27
1950s begins at 1:50
1970s begins at 2:22

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