Saturday 3 December 2016

Costume Research


For the Victorian time period we have created a character who occupies a high-up gangster role. We based our costume on that of Tommy Shelby from the TV show "Peaky Blinders" as he occupies a similar role to our character in a similar time period. He wears a long suit with a long overcoat and flat cap.
The essential items of clothing are:
Delivery boy flat cap:
Black Overcoat:
Grey Suit:
As well as the criminal in the Victorian era, we will include a police officer. This character will be based on  the main character from the TV show "Copper" and will wear a brown waistcoat with brown slacks and a top hat.
The essential items of clothing are:
Brown top hat:
Brown waistcoat:
Brown slacks:


Our character for the next section of the music video is based on the Mob Boss style of the 1930s. He will be wearing a suit and have slicked back hair.
The essential items of clothing are:
Blue suit:


In the 1950s the Greaser style emerged. We will be replicating this style in our music video using Mutt Jones from "Indiana Jones 4" as a reference. He wears a leather jacket with jeans.
The essential items of clothing are:
Black leather jacket:
Blue jeans:
There will be another character in this section, who will be threatened by the criminal. He will be wearing fairly casual clothing.
The essential items of clothing are:
Checked shirt:
 Beige chinos:


Our character in the 1970s section is based on Mark Renton from "Trainspotting" who adopts the Skinhead look. He wears a T-shirt under a Harrington jacket and grey jeans. He will also be wearing a flat cap as our actor will not be shaving his head.
The essential items of clothing are:
Flat cap:
Beige Harrington jacket:
T-shirt (We will be using a Magna T-shirt. Magna is a cigarette company which was popular around that time, making this perfect for our setting):

Blue jeans:


As the final part of our music video is set in the modern day we will be adopting the modern criminal look. We have based this on Elliot Alderson from the TV show "Mr Robot", who wears a dark hoodie, and a backpack.
The essential items of clothing are:
Grey zip hoodie:
Black Ellehammer backpack:

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