Wednesday 28 December 2016

Filming Day 4 - Liverpool (Modern Day)

After filming the Victorian section, we walked towards Albert Dock to prepare for the modern day section. We scouted the area and lined up the shot, then waited until dark so we could film in front of the wheel with the lights in the background. We had no issues during the filming of this section, we didn't even need to worry about other people getting in the way because this section is set in the present day, meaning people in modern clothing actually enhanced the scene making it more realistic.

Filming Day 4 - Liverpool (Victorian)

We met at Moorfields train station at 9:00am, then made our way to Saltney Street to film the Victorian section of the music video. As this is the start of the video, we needed a narrative section before the music begins. This didn't take too long as we didn't need to worry about lip syncing. However, the rest of this section took a very long time as we needed to keep stopping due to cars coming up and down the road, and it was difficult to get the lip syncing right because Ryan also needed to focus on spinning the cane.
When we began filming the musical part we realised we couldn't use the entire wall due to graffiti and electrical posts that made it clear that it was the modern day. We resolved this issue by using the same part of the wall over and over again and cutting to a different shot whenever we reached the end.
This is the latest edited version including the updated 30s section as well as the Victorian section.
1890s begins at 0:00
1930s begins at 1:27
1950s begins at 1:50
1970s begins at 2:22

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Filming Day 3 - Reshooting 1930s

Due to the many lighting and lip syncing issues, we decided to completely re-do the 30s section.
We did this on the 20th December. This day was originally planned for Liverpool filming, but due to the poor weather we decided to refilm the 30s section as it is indoors.

This wasn't as difficult as it seems because we were indoors so we didn't have to fight the cold (or other people). We also decided to seize this opportunity to make some adjustments to Ryan's costume. The most noticeable change is the introduction of glasses. This makes his character resemble Ronnie Kray, a famous English gangster during the 1950s and 60s.
We managed to fix all of the lighting issues as well as the lip syncing issues and improved the overall look of the character.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Filming Day 2 - Port Sunlight

We met up in Port Sunlight early and started filming at around 9:00am. Filming went fairly smoothly. There were no technical issues (eg. lighting, camera angles, etc) whatsoever, we required few takes, and the lip syncing looked good.

The only issues we encountered were in the form of a loud ATM machine, which was quite annoying, and a scary biker gang which drove us away from our original filming location. However, this gang of bikers may have actually helped us, as the new location we found, just left of our original location, was easier to film in. There were few cars to worry about and the sound of the ATM was distant.
Below is the new version of the music video including the 1950s section.
  • 1930s begins at 1:05
  • 1950s begins at 1:29
  • 1970s begins at 2:02

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Version 2 Update

I made a minor change to the current version of the music video. I have changed the date text to cover the whole screen rather than appearing at the bottom, as I thought it was too small and I wanted to make sure nobody missed the change in time periods.
  • 1930s begins at 1:05
  • 1970s begins at 2:02

Sunday 11 December 2016

Filming Day 1 - Moreton

We met up in Moreton at 8:00 am on 10th December to begin the first day of filming. After meeting up we walked to the first filming location - Sedgefield Road - to start work on the 1970 section of the video.

We encountered a few issues while filming. The first was the amount of people who came out to see what we were doing. A few people asked if we were making a YouTube video, and one man (while I was filming from on top of a wall) asked if we were filming ourselves "jumping off walls".

Another major issue that set us back quite a bit, was one of continuity. While discussing shot types, Ryan zipped up the jacket, which is unzipped in previous shots. We did not notice this for about an hour, meaning we had to back-track and refilm a number of shots. 

Furthermore, Ryan was struggling to unlock his inner man. His camp nature did not fit the character we were creating which meant a number of shots needed multiple takes.

When we eventually completed the '70s section, after about 3 hours of filming, we walked to Oliver's house to film the 1930's section.
While Ryan was adjusting his hair to suit the 30s Mob Boss character, the rest of us set up the camera on top of the tripod and dolly.

We had some lighting issues while filming this part of the music video. Ryan was appearing red on the camera and we realised this was due to the red wallpaper in the room we were filming in. We addressed this issue by closing the curtains to block out the sunlight, and pointing a lamp with a white light at Ryan. I also added a Sepia visual effect in Final Cut, creating the image above.

This is the first edited version of the music video. I have included a bit of extra footage after the 1930s section to show how the gunshot transition will look.
  • 1930s begins at 1:05
  • 1970s begins at 2:02

Friday 9 December 2016

Filming/Editing Schedule

Now that we have finished planning our music video it is time to start filming. We hope to finish filming on the 20th December, but will have the 21st and 22nd for re-filming shots that didn't turn out as well as we had hoped:

10th December:
Film the 1937 and 1977 scenes in Moreton

17th December:
Film the 1957 scene in Port Sunlight

20th December:
Film the 1800s and Modern Day scenes in Liverpool

21st - 22nd December:
Back up days for reshoots

I will be editing each section as soon as we have completed filming each day.

Location Research

1897 - Liverpool Industrial Area
This area suits the 1800s section of our music video as it looks very old due to the old brick industrial buildings.
We found a street right next to this area which is perfect for this section of the music video. Saltney Street.
1937 - Oliver's House
For this section of the music video we could film inside Ollie's house. This location would be ideal due to the older looking wallpaper.

1957 - Port Sunlight Train Station
The train station in Port Sunlight looks old but not too old. This is why it would be perfect for the 50s section of our music video.
The only issue with this location is the presence of cars. Cars in the 1950s looked very different to cars in the modern day, so we will have to make sure we keep them out of the shot.

1977 - Sedgefield Road
Sedgefield Road will work well for the 70s section of our music video since we have associated this period with the "skinhead" look. The council housing and storage sheds link nicely to this.

2017 - Liverpool Echo Arena
As the Echo Arena and the big wheel are very modern with lots of lights, this area would suit the modern day section of our music video. This area looks especially good at night.


The equipment we are using for filming includes:
Camera 1: Nikon Coolpix P600
Camera 2: Fujifilm Finepix S4700

Green Screen:

After filming is completed, I will be using Final Cut Pro X to edit.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Props Research

Pocket Watch:
We will be using a pocket watch in the Victorian Section of our music video. The police officer will have the pocket watch which will be stolen by the criminal to show that the main character is actually a criminal.

The Victorian section may also have a cane. This will be used during dance sequences and adds elegance to the main character. As well as this he can tap the cane on the ground in time with one of the sounds that plays in the song.
The main character in the Victorian section will be smoking a cigarette. However, rather than using an actual (modern day) cigarette, we will be using rolled-up post-it notes since none of us smoke, and it would look more authentic anyway.
The 30s section of our music video will feature a gun that the main character is loading. This links to the Mob Boss/Gangster style that emerged around this time period.

A flick comb will feature in the 1950s section of the music video. The comb looks like a flick knife when it is closed, so we can make it look as if the Greaser character is mugging someone. It will then be revealed that it is just a comb as the main character combs his hair.
Beer Can:
The character in the 1970s section will be shown drinking in public during the day, before throwing the empty can on the ground showing no respect for the neighborhood.

Monday 5 December 2016

Targeting Your Target Audience

Is Netflix taking over?
BARB (Broadcaster's Audience Research Board) Report:
The BARB Report shows that SVOD services are becoming increasingly popular.

Subscription Viewing on Demand
POSITIVE Implications:
  • More platforms to show your video on
  • Ability to target niche audiences
  • Ability for publisher to shop around to get a good deal in exchange for a SVOD to show your video
  • Video On Demand - No time restriction - people can watch whenever they want
NEGATIVE Implications:
  • Viewers can choose not to pay if they feel it costs too much - risk of piracy
  • So many platforms mean you could get paid less for your video
  • More platforms means more competition
  • Viewers expect more
  • Piracy - smaller artists not making any money - can't make a career out of it
  • Many people don't pay for music anymore - usually just watched on YouTube or illegally downloaded.
Example music video budgets:
Macklemore "Wings" - $18,269 (2011) - Product Placement (Nike Shoes) basically Nike advert
Michael Jackson "Beat It" - $150,000 (1983)

If made professionally our music video would cost approximately $30,000 

It is difficult for independent artists to compete with other, well established musicians.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Costume Research


For the Victorian time period we have created a character who occupies a high-up gangster role. We based our costume on that of Tommy Shelby from the TV show "Peaky Blinders" as he occupies a similar role to our character in a similar time period. He wears a long suit with a long overcoat and flat cap.
The essential items of clothing are:
Delivery boy flat cap:
Black Overcoat:
Grey Suit:
As well as the criminal in the Victorian era, we will include a police officer. This character will be based on  the main character from the TV show "Copper" and will wear a brown waistcoat with brown slacks and a top hat.
The essential items of clothing are:
Brown top hat:
Brown waistcoat:
Brown slacks:


Our character for the next section of the music video is based on the Mob Boss style of the 1930s. He will be wearing a suit and have slicked back hair.
The essential items of clothing are:
Blue suit:


In the 1950s the Greaser style emerged. We will be replicating this style in our music video using Mutt Jones from "Indiana Jones 4" as a reference. He wears a leather jacket with jeans.
The essential items of clothing are:
Black leather jacket:
Blue jeans:
There will be another character in this section, who will be threatened by the criminal. He will be wearing fairly casual clothing.
The essential items of clothing are:
Checked shirt:
 Beige chinos:


Our character in the 1970s section is based on Mark Renton from "Trainspotting" who adopts the Skinhead look. He wears a T-shirt under a Harrington jacket and grey jeans. He will also be wearing a flat cap as our actor will not be shaving his head.
The essential items of clothing are:
Flat cap:
Beige Harrington jacket:
T-shirt (We will be using a Magna T-shirt. Magna is a cigarette company which was popular around that time, making this perfect for our setting):

Blue jeans:


As the final part of our music video is set in the modern day we will be adopting the modern criminal look. We have based this on Elliot Alderson from the TV show "Mr Robot", who wears a dark hoodie, and a backpack.
The essential items of clothing are:
Grey zip hoodie:
Black Ellehammer backpack: