Wednesday 12 October 2016

Warner Bros Studio: Sets

Sets need sufficient detail so that they look authentic. They need to look as if they would be found within the world which has been established. Dumbledore's office contains numerous books, which are actually just phone books with specially designed covers. They did not need detail on the inside as the inside is never shown, but the outside cover and the spine require enough detail to make the world believable. The potions classroom is made up of numerous cauldrons and bottles which fill the shelves, making the room look believable.
Many sets don't even have four sides. They may only have two or three sides as the camera crew needs space to move around. The potions room did not have four sides. As well as this, some sets can be very small, like Harry's bedroom under the stairs, so there is not enough room for the large cameras. In order to deal with this, tiny cameras are placed in the corners of the room so that the actors have enough space to perform.

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