Wednesday 12 October 2016

Technical Codes + Conventions

Technical codes and conventions  allow the audience to become familiar with a particular genre and provides a structure that audiences can understand. Codes and conventions vary depending on genre (eg. rock music is likely to contain a lot of footage of the band performing, while pop is more likely to feature a narrative)

Kanye West - Bound 2
The images in this video have been edited and manipulated in a number of ways:
  • Greenscreen - Shot in front of a greenscreen with the images scrolling in the background to make it look like they are on a moving bike
  • Camera - Most of the camera angles are close-ups above the waist to make the female star look thinner as she had recently given birth
  • Lighting - The lighting has been manipulated to make the female star look much younger and thinner
  • Editing - The image has been manipulated to make the female star look younger and thinner (pop convention - young, attractive, thin)
  • Kim Kardashian - The female star has little to no talent, but has become so famous that she is a marketable asset which increases publicity
  • Fans - Fans blowing to simulate wind give the impression that they are moving
Kelly Clarkson - Since U Been Gone
This music video features a mixture of narrative/performance:
  • Convention of 'Pop' genre
  • Trashing exes house - links to lyrics - proves Goodwin's theory
  • Convention of 'Rock' genre
  • Revealing outfit - Laura Mulvey - Male Gaze

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