Sunday 30 October 2016

Representation of Age

Most modern music videos contain young people. Young people in music videos are typically portrayed as rebellious and they are constantly seen having fun.
This is shown in:
This music video shows a large group of other people recovering from a huge party the night before. Everyone is shown to be having fun during the party, and the lyrics suggest that they never want to grow up.

Representation of Gender

Many modern music videos support Laura Mulvey's theory of the Male Gaze. It suggests that women in music videos are over-sexualised, wearing provocative clothing and serving the sole purpose of attracting the male gaze.
A music video that supports this theory is:
The women in this video are clearly being used for the purpose of display. We can see that the men are fully clothed as opposed to the women who wear near to nothing, which emphasizes the fact that they are being used as "sexual objects". The lyrics also suggest that women are being objectified against their will.

Representation of Race

Rap is a genre typically associated with black artists like Snoop Dogg and Tupac. In rap videos black people are usually portrayed as thugs or criminals, wearing chains and bling, taking drugs, and getting involved in violent activities with gangs.
This is shown in:
This music video shows the artist threatening and shooting at some thugs who attempt to mug him. He is also shown wearing chains and rings, conforming with the bling culture stereotype.
This video shows the artists using recreational drugs, while objectifying women in a club.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Sound

Diegetic sound is sound that has a source in the scene and can be heard by the characters within. Its source can be on screen or off screen, and is usually only seen in narrative music videos. Examples of diegetic sound include speech and noises that occur within the world.

Non-Diegetic sound is sound that can only be heard by the audience and not the characters in the scene. Examples of non-diegetic sound are a narration, or music/soundtracks.
Part of Me by Katy Perry contains both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. The start of the music video is a narrative and contains diegetic sound, but the majority of the video is non-diegetic sound as it is a music video.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Technical Codes + Conventions

Technical codes and conventions  allow the audience to become familiar with a particular genre and provides a structure that audiences can understand. Codes and conventions vary depending on genre (eg. rock music is likely to contain a lot of footage of the band performing, while pop is more likely to feature a narrative)

Kanye West - Bound 2
The images in this video have been edited and manipulated in a number of ways:
  • Greenscreen - Shot in front of a greenscreen with the images scrolling in the background to make it look like they are on a moving bike
  • Camera - Most of the camera angles are close-ups above the waist to make the female star look thinner as she had recently given birth
  • Lighting - The lighting has been manipulated to make the female star look much younger and thinner
  • Editing - The image has been manipulated to make the female star look younger and thinner (pop convention - young, attractive, thin)
  • Kim Kardashian - The female star has little to no talent, but has become so famous that she is a marketable asset which increases publicity
  • Fans - Fans blowing to simulate wind give the impression that they are moving
Kelly Clarkson - Since U Been Gone
This music video features a mixture of narrative/performance:
  • Convention of 'Pop' genre
  • Trashing exes house - links to lyrics - proves Goodwin's theory
  • Convention of 'Rock' genre
  • Revealing outfit - Laura Mulvey - Male Gaze

Warner Bros Studio: Special/Visual Effects

Special effects can be very important in film, especially when the events can't be created in the real world. While a car crash can be created using practical effects, quidditch requires numerous special effects to be added in post production.
Green Screen
A green screen was used in the creation of quidditch as well as motion rigs to move the actors.
They can be used effectively to make it appear as though someone is in a different location. In post production the green colour is removed, leaving the actor on a transparent background where a setting can be pasted in. This process is known as chroma keying.

Green Screen used effectively:
harry potter quidditch hbp ginny
Green Screen used poorly:
Image result for david hasselhoff hooked on a feeling gif

Visual Effects:
Digital effects can be created in post production to handle elements that can't be created in real life. For example, a body suit with an anamatronic head was created for a werewolf, but the actors found the suit too difficult to operate.
The visual effects department then scanned the werewolf figure and developed a digital creature which featured in the final film.

Warner Bros Studio: Sets

Sets need sufficient detail so that they look authentic. They need to look as if they would be found within the world which has been established. Dumbledore's office contains numerous books, which are actually just phone books with specially designed covers. They did not need detail on the inside as the inside is never shown, but the outside cover and the spine require enough detail to make the world believable. The potions classroom is made up of numerous cauldrons and bottles which fill the shelves, making the room look believable.
Many sets don't even have four sides. They may only have two or three sides as the camera crew needs space to move around. The potions room did not have four sides. As well as this, some sets can be very small, like Harry's bedroom under the stairs, so there is not enough room for the large cameras. In order to deal with this, tiny cameras are placed in the corners of the room so that the actors have enough space to perform.