Wednesday 14 September 2016

Genre Research: RnB (Rhythm and Blues)

Genre Conventions:
 - Mise en Scene
  • Conspicuous consumption - gold chains, diamonds
  • Status driven - 'bling culture' - clothes and tattoos identify sports and TV stars as fans of RnB - RnB linked to wealth and success
  • Crime - 'ghetto' - are drugs and violence glamourised?
  • Topics include lust, crime, cheating, violence, racism, abuse
  • 1940s chain gangs in South America (higher black population) 
  • Seen as "African American Music" as a form of protest
  • Mainly consisted of drums and guitars, as these instruments were more availible, as well as church-type female singing voices
  • RnB increased in popularity from the 1980s due to artists such as Whitney Housten and Aretha Franklin
  • The 1990s introduced Pop/RnB hybrids including Michael Jackson and Boys II Men
  • From the 2000s, RnB had become popular among black, white, and hispanic audiences

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