Tuesday 24 January 2017

Version 8 Changes

I have made numerous changes to the music video in post production to make it look more polished. The list of changes can be found below:


  • Added colour correction (adjusted "Combat" filter) to make the scene stand out and feel more cinematic.
  • Added cinematic bars during the narrative part which slide out as the music begins.
  • Added looped industrial sound effects during the narrative part as well as footstep sounds when 'Cop' is walking.


  • Added colour correction (adjusted "Sepia" filter) to make the scene stand out and feel more cinematic.
  • Changed gunshot sound effect to something more powerful.


  • Added colour correction (increased saturation of midtones and reduced exposure of midtones) to make the scene stand out and appear more vibrant. 


  • No changes made as the default colour suits this section. 

 Green Screen:

  • Replaced some dance moves with better/higher quality versions.

 Present Day:

  • Changed font to something more associated with technology and the modern day.
  • Added UK Emergency Services Police siren in the background (modified with "Spaceship" audio effect to distort and "Large Room" audio effect to echo, making the sound appear distant)
Below is the full updated version:
1890s begins at 0:00
1930s begins at 1:30
1950s begins at 1:53
1970s begins at 2:26
Dance begins at 3:44
Walk begins at 4:06
Present Day begins at 4:15

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