Wednesday 30 November 2016

Final Storyboard

We agreed that our favourite storyboard idea was the first one (shown in the post below) so based our final storyboard around that. Some amendments have been made to improve it, and a shot list has also been added.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Initial Storyboard Ideas

Below are our initial storyboard ideas. These are just rough plans of the types of shots and the narrative that our music video could follow.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Permission 2

As the band does not actually own the rights to the song, we needed to ask permission from RCA Records. We messaged them on Twitter as we couldn't find their email account.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Mood Board

We decided to move forward with planning, so we created a mood board for our production. A mood board is a series of images related to the genre and the type of music video we want to create.
The mood board contains costumes of cops and robbers from different time periods from the 1800s to the modern day. This is because we want to show the evolution of criminals through the ages. Furthermore we have included a number of possible locations that we have looked at as well as props that will make our scenes look more believable.


We have agreed on a song, but before we can fully commit we need to get permission from the owners of the song.

We went to the Hoosiers' website and found the email address of their manager. We sent an email asking for permission, and quickly got this reply:
As the band does not actually own the song themselves, we must also request permission from RCA Records.

Friday 18 November 2016

Deciding on a Genre and Song

We have finished the research stage and it's now time to plan our own music video. 

First we needed to pick a genre:
We looked at various different genres, such as Folk, and were thinking about doing Let her go by Passenger. However, one of the main conventions of the Folk genre is instruments in the music video. Since none of us can play an instrument we decided it would be very difficult to sync the audio with the video, so we eventually decided to pick a different genre.
We also discussed Mad World by Gary Jules, as it didn't have a very complex music video and it would have been extremely easy to create something new and original, but eventually decided it was too slow and depressing.
In the end we chose Pop as our genre, since musical instruments don't tend to appear in Pop music videos. This means we only need to worry about lip syncing.

Next we needed to pick a song:
After agreeing on the genre, we quickly decided on a song. Cops and Robbers by the Hoosiers. This is because it has male vocalists (we are all male) so we can easily lip sync, doesn't require instruments as it belongs to the Pop genre, and has a narrative which we can explore in our music video.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Planning Schedule

The following is our schedule for planning our music video. We hope to be ready to film by the 10th December:

14th - 20th of November

Agree upon a genre and song

21st - 27th of November
Initial storyboard ideas

28th - 30th of November
Final storyboard

1st - 9th of December
Planning location, props and costume

When all of this has been completed we will be ready to film.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Representation of Disability

Disabled people are not frequently represented in music videos, but when they are represented it is quite negatively. This is apparent in Heathens, by Twenty One Pilots, with the lyrics "you'll never know the freakshow sitting next to you", and "you'll have some wierd people sitting next to you". The words "wierd" and "freakshow"suggest the mentally and phsyically disabled characters in the video are inhuman, isolating them from everyone else.